Fig stats

Figma plugin & widget analytics

Browse data of all the Figma plugins and widgets. Stats are refreshed daily.

Browse 5843 pluginsBrowse 482 widgets


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What is Fig stats?

Welcome to Fig stats, a Figma community plugin and widget analytics tool. With over 1000 days of data, 5843 plugins, and 482 widgets, Fig stats is the largest free Figma community tracker out there.

Please note that we are not affiliated with Figma in any way, and this website is simply a fun project.

We collect data from Figma every day and display it in nice charts and tables. You can find all sorts of information, like rank (which is calculated using users), views, users, saves, likes, ratings, and comments. For data prior to May 29, 2022, we used the now-deprecated project figma-plugin-stats by Yuan Qing Lim.

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